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It’s-a me, Maycon!


Check out some of my projects! You can find most of them on my github. This very website was also completely designed and developed by me.

  • DFFinder

    A duplicate file finder written in Haskell. It calculates the MD5 checksum of all files in a folder’s entire hierarchy (all subfolders), and then lookout for duplicates. By analyzing the content, this command line program finds duplicates even when they have different names.

  • 30days30sites

    A challenge to practice websites building. The original intent is to develop one website per day, but instead I rather develop each one the best way I can, taking the time needed for that. I put them online when I start them. Here’s the first challenge. The others can be accessed by changing the day number in the URL on your browser.

  • Grade Dinâmica

    That’s portuguese for “Dynamic Course Syllabus”. It’s a site for interacting with the courses requirements and credits, for Computer Science course at my university. I got a lot of help on this from my friend Flavia Nunes, an amazing UI/UX front-end developer.

  • GCSHask

    That’s a project I made for a course I attended as a listener. It’s a Haskell program that reducts Graph Coloring problem to Boolean Satisfaction problem (SAT). I use mios as SAT Solver. I did not provide a benchmark, but I can do this in the future.

  • Natural’s Explosion

    That’s a simple Agda proof, stating that if 0 equals 1 then all naturals are the same number. Every single definiton is made directly, even the equality reasoning. I did that to practice Agda.